Japan In A Day 2012
Plot Synopsis
On 11 March 2012, Fuji Television joined forces with renowned filmmaker and producer Ridley Scott and YouTube to record and share a single day in the life of Japan. Inspired by Kevin Macdonald's Life In A Day, the project, entitled Japan In A Day, was a unique opportunity for the people of Japan to create the definitive self-portrait of the country today. It is dedicated, with deepest sympathy, to those who lost their lives and those who are suffering as a result of the earthquake and tsunami.
Sunday 11 March 2012 marks the first anniversary of the tragic Great East Japan Earthquake, the most powerful earthquake to have ever struck Japan. The earthquake caused immeasurable damage not only to the stricken areas, but also to the nation as a whole. In memory of this unforgettable day, from midnight onwards for 24 hours people began to capture their lives, thoughts, feelings and hopes to be brought together in a feature length film produced by Ridley Scott and Tony Scott's Scott Free Productions and Fuji TV. More than 15,000 films were shot by contributors and uploaded onto YouTube, generating 300 hours of footage from which the filmmakers would carve Japan in a Day.
The resulting film is a powerful and moving snapshot of Japan today, which will premiere in cinemas, and be screened internationally.
Sunday 11 March 2012 marks the first anniversary of the tragic Great East Japan Earthquake, the most powerful earthquake to have ever struck Japan. The earthquake caused immeasurable damage not only to the stricken areas, but also to the nation as a whole. In memory of this unforgettable day, from midnight onwards for 24 hours people began to capture their lives, thoughts, feelings and hopes to be brought together in a feature length film produced by Ridley Scott and Tony Scott's Scott Free Productions and Fuji TV. More than 15,000 films were shot by contributors and uploaded onto YouTube, generating 300 hours of footage from which the filmmakers would carve Japan in a Day.
The resulting film is a powerful and moving snapshot of Japan today, which will premiere in cinemas, and be screened internationally.
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/ 10